
Reiki Healing

Balance your Chakras and feel rejuvinated with Reiki Healing

There are many names for the word we know as energy:

Chi – China
Ki – Japan
Prana – India

Reiki translates to Universal Life Force Energy or “that which makes us alive”


Energy/Chi/Ki/Prana flows through the Chakras. If your energies are well balanced, your mind-body-spirit connections will naturally feel aligned. Life begins to feel easier.

Reiki is very relaxing. It can help sleep problems, reduce stress, help with moving on from past issues and provide clear thinking.

When Energies are not balanced our body will feel at dis-ease which over time can lead to disease. Emotional, mental or spiritual pain can express itself through the physical body and we feel unwell.

At a Session

You can expect the first session to be around two hours long and to include an initial consultation to discuss the basic reasons for attending, the actual healing session and then a short discussion afterwards to see how you and the healer feel things went.

The client decides on the number and frequency of future sessions, although the healer will be happy to provide suggestions.

Relax & renew with Reiki

Book your session today