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About Dawn

Because you are worth it

I have worked in a pressurised environment and understand the importance of getting the balance just right.

Change is inevitable, the choice you have is to manage the change or allow the change to manage you.  Reiki & Crystals will help you manage life in the most authentic way for you.


I have worked in Hazardous Waste Management throughout my career, starting as an Admin Clark and finishing as a Company Director.  As with any business there were highs, lows and many sleepless nights.  The office being 80miles away involving long delays on the M6 provided additional challenges.

Due to some serious illness with family members, pressure of running the business, the commute and hospital visits I ended up in burn out. I tried a Reiki healing session and it was a game changer.

Twelve months later and what I describe as a Vodka infused epiphany, I decided that a career change was the way forward.  Three years of training followed and I am now qualified as a Reiki Master and hold a Diploma in Crystal Therapy.

In retrospect, the biggest challenge was selling the change to others but I never once doubted my commitment down to the clarity provided by the Reiki.

Why call the business Moonstone & Rainbows?

I am fascinated by the impact the Moon has on people’s moods, Moonstone is a lovely Crystal to work with and helps provide clarity.  Reiki works on the Chakras, each Chakra is associated with a colour which corresponds to the colour in a Rainbow.  When my nephew & nieces were little, they used to say that a Rainbow was Nanny sending a kiss from Heaven, so I knew from early on that Rainbows would feature in the logo.

My Passions

1. I love to travel and have been to some amazing places from Thailand to Iceland, the best thing about travelling is meeting new people and learning alternative ways of doing things.  Hopefully when things improve I can do a lot more with a desire to go to Canada and India.

2. Cooking, I love to cook and bake.  I have family/friends around for a meal whenever possible.  We are big on celebrating E.G. just did Chinese New Year – to welcome in the year of the Tiger.  I am not Chinese but I think that if you can be tolerant of differences and embrace them then you are a better person for doing so.

3. I also love to be outdoors and am lucky that I live 10 mins drive from Cannock Chase, if the weather is nice I am in the garden or out walking.  Walking and talking is such a beneficial way to live your life (but I am a Gemini).

4. Talking of Gemini, I love Astrology, Moonology, Crystals and most things Spiritual (although I should meditate more) Over the last 6 or 7 years I have tried to understand me more, the true authentic me not the me that society expects.  Dont always get it right but it has been quiet a learning curve and a memorable journey.

5. Love to read a good book, and always seem to be signing up for courses (just finished 2 by Kyle Grey)

6. And lastly my latest hobby is my great niece she is a joy, always happy and succeeds in wearing me out completely!

Balance & Unblock with Crystals& REiki

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