
Crystal Therapy

Balance your Chakras and feel rejuvinated with Crystal Therapy

Energy (also known as Chi, Ki, or Prana) is split down into masculine and feminine energy known as Yin and Yang.

Yin is feminine energy. Yang is masculine energy

Every living thing has a mixture of both Yin & Yang energies but the everyday stress of life can easily leave us with an imbalance which in turn unbalances the Chakras. 

The placing of various crystals on or around the body may balance out the Yin & Yang energies, this, in turn, helps you to feel more aligned with your true self.

Different crystals work on specific challenges, for example:

  •  Selenite works like an eraser and removes any blockages within the Chakras
  • Tourmaline helps with grounding, leading to a reduction in over thinking
  • Rose Quartz promotes gentle and loving relationships, including with yourself
  • Citrine works on abundance

At a Session

You can expect the first session to be around two hours long and to include an initial consultation to discuss the basic reasons for attending, the actual healing session and then a short discussion afterwards to see how you and the healer feel things went.

The client decides on the number and frequency of future sessions, although the healer will be happy to provide suggestions.

Balance & Unblock with Crystals

Book your session today