
Reiki & Crystals

Achieve Total Relaxation with a combined Reiki & Crystal Healing Session

Combining a healing session with Meditation, Reiki and Crystals provides a lovely relaxation session.

The body works similar to a road layout, with the Meridian Lines being like A Roads. The Chakras like motorway islands and the Aura like a never-ending motorway (think M25/M40/M60!).

A small bump on an A road causes local disruption where as a major accident on the motorway can cause gridlock. Either scenario may lead to ‘dis-ease’ within the body.

A combined session can assist in removing, receiving and restoring energy within the body. The end result being a more balanced flow of energy throughout the body.

At a Session

You can expect the first session to be around two hours long and to include an initial consultation to discuss the basic reasons for attending, the actual healing session and then a short discussion afterwards to see how you and the healer feel things went.

The client decides on the number and frequency of future sessions, although the healer will be happy to provide suggestions.

The aim is Total Relaxation

Book your session today