



Healing for Mind, Body & Spirit


We all have 24 hours in each day

Yet struggle to find a minute to ourselves,

Life throws us lots of problems

But we never get the chance to ask ourselves the answers

Success is not measured by the heights one attains but

by the obstacles one overcomes in its attainment

Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions react to create our experience

Emotion is just a thought on fire,

control the thought and you control the emotion

I’m Sunshine mixed with a little Hurricane



Energy Healing


For a person to have optimal wellbeing there needs to be balance between the mind, body, emotions and soul.

We all have subtle energy that flows through us and just like a river. the energy ebbs and flows depending on the emotional weather we are experiencing.

Energy healing such as Reiki or Crystals will help you to rebalance the ebb and flow of your energy – this is known as balancing the Chakras.

For example if:

  • You are struggling to connect to people or situations
  • You feel a need to withdraw from your normal life
  • You feel confused about something
  • Your mood is low
  • Your sleep patterns are disturbed
  • Visualising a solution seems impossible
  • It feels difficult to have your say or feel heard about a problem

You do not have to be a certain religion, age, gender, or have spiritual beliefs to experience the benefits of energy healing.

At Moonstones we offer a professional, confidential, relaxed approach to energy healing. Each session is individual to the client, as is the number of sessions required.


Crystal Therapy
Reiki & Crystals combined




What Clients Say

“This has introduced me to crystal therapy and although I was sceptical at first, I can honestly say it makes me far more relaxed and I find it easier to focus.” – AM

“I feel more relaxed and am sleeping better, I would have Reiki and Crystal Therapy again, it was an amazing experience.” – SF

“Dawn is a living Angel. Boy, I am still crying, can hardly take it all in.” – SDF

“An excellent therapist. Thank you.” – ML

“Dawn explains everything she does, including the individual crystals. Having had Reiki for years, I can honestly say that she is by far the best practitioner I have experienced.” – HM

A difficult road often leads to a beautiful place, but if you don’t take the first step you will never reach the destination.